Stories of Moments that Take Our Breath Away
Welcome to The Healing Through Wonder Project, a storytelling collaboration.
Co-hosts Val Walker, author and rehabilitation consultant, and Robyn Houston-Bean,
founder of The Sun Will Rise Foundation, explore stories of healing
through moments of awe and wonder. With our guests, we delve into profound transformational
experiences and reflect on the influences of these awe-inspiring moments in facing trauma,
addiction, and grief.

Val writes about healing through awe and wonder for the Health Story Collaborative and for her Psychology Today blog:
“The Power of Sharing Moments of Awe”
“Easing Loneliness with Awe, Wonder, and Nature”

Val Walker, MS
Val Walker, MS, Blogger for Psychology Today, Rehabilitation Consultant, Author, The Art of Comforting, and 400 Friends and No One to Call
Robyn Houston-Bean is the founder of the grief-focused nonprofit,
The Sun Will Rise Foundation, and a peer grief support consultant for SADOD
(Support After a Death by Overdose)
Join Robyn and Val on a new YouTube channel, Healing Through Wonder,
as they co-host guests for their storytelling project about life-changing experiences
with awe and wonder.
Healing Through Wonder – YouTube Watch
To learn more about the background and inspiration for the Healing Through Wonder Project,
read Val’s blog post for The Health Story Collaborative HERE.